
Meet the Sponsor, ScalaJobs

Jun 14th, 2023

We are excited to introduce ScalaJobs, a Bronze sponsor for Scala Days Madrid!

ScalaJobs.com is the go-to hiring platform for Scala engineering talent. They reach tens of thousands of Scala engineers monthly through their website, social media channels, and recruitment network. ScalaJobs provides recruitment, team extension, and job board services in the Scala engineering space. To find out how they can help you with your Scala hiring needs, reach out to [email protected]

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In preparation for the conferences, we’ve asked ScalaJobs what they are most looking forward to and what you can expect to see from them. Look at what they had to say:

What are you most looking forward to at Scala Days this year?

I am excited to meet people from the Scala community and see what cool stuff they are building!

What can attendees expect to see from your company at the conference?

To have a chat with the only Scala recruiters who are also Scala developers! We know the market better than anyone and we are happy to share our insights with you.

What contribution to the Scala community is your company particularly proud or fond of?

It is difficult to land a first tech job that’s why we offer free Scala training courses to all junior developers applying through our platform. We also sponsor independent content producers such as Dev Inside You.

Is there anything else that you would like to mention?

Please don’t hesitate to come have a chat with us, you can recognize us by our ScalaJobs.com t-shirts.

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You can find ScalaJobs on their website, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, and WhatsApp.

Buy your tickets today to meet the ScalaJobs team at Scala Days Madrid this September!